CBR file to drawn schematic

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by PolyPusher, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest


    I have a situation where I have a CBR file but not drawn schematic, is
    there any way to produce a drawn schematic(ugly is fine, the design is
    simple) from the CBR file?

    Thank you,
    PolyPusher, Apr 21, 2010
  2. PolyPusher wrote, on 04/21/10 14:25:
    What's a CBR file?


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 21, 2010
  3. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest


    It is the file that Calibre uses to compare "schematic"(CBR) against
    layout. Example follows.

    Thank you!

    * RSS DFII to Calibre netlister output for RX0000_1
    * Date of RX0000_1 netlist generation: 2010/04/01_10:53:25
    * initialization file R:\rds\prod\HOTCODE\adslibs/de/bin/
    cbrphemt7ap.ini used
    ..global 0
    ..subckt twvphemt t b
    ..subckt ind_p pos neg
    ..ends ind_p
    ..subckt lint pos neg
    ..ends lint
    ..subckt diode pos neg
    ..ends diode
    ..subckt fet_sg d g s
    ..ends fet_sg
    ..subckt fet_dg d g1 g2 s
    ..ends fet_dg
    ..subckt fet_tg d g1 g2 g3 s
    ..ends fet_tg
    ..subckt fet_4g d g1 g2 g3 g4 s
    ..ends fet_4g
    ..subckt fet_5g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 s
    ..ends fet_5g
    ..subckt fet_6g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 s
    ..ends fet_6g
    ..subckt fet_7g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 s
    ..ends fet_7g
    ..subckt fet_8g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 s
    ..ends fet_8g
    ..subckt fet_9g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 s
    ..ends fet_9g
    ..subckt fet_10g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 s
    ..ends fet_10g
    ..subckt fet_11g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 g11 s
    ..ends fet_11g
    ..subckt fet_12g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 g11 g12 s
    ..ends fet_12g
    ..subckt fet_13g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 g11 g12 g13 s
    ..ends fet_13g
    ..subckt fet_14g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14 s
    ..ends fet_14g
    ..subckt fet_15g d g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14 g15 s
    ..ends fet_15g
    ..subckt fetln d g s
    ..ends fetln
    ..subckt fetln2 d g s
    ..ends fetln2
    ..SUBCKT __RX0000_1 sh_gnd2 V_series V_shunt sh_gnd1 Pin Pout
    R45 _net1715 _net1674 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R31 _net1706 _net1677 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    C11 _net1725 _net1714 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    C1 sh_gnd1 _net1721 $[CAP_MIM] 3p
    R30 _net1671 V_shunt $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rbias
    R32 _net1705 _net1677 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R41 _net1668 V_shunt $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rbias
    C8 _net1716 _net1705 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    R38 _net1670 _net1668 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    C2 sh_gnd2 _net1725 $[CAP_MIM] 8p
    R4 _net1689 _net1697 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000247 r=Rlin
    R54 Pin _net1643 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rlin
    C4 _net1673 _net1643 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    C10 _net1670 _net1721 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    R39 _net1527 _net1668 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R36 _net1694 _net1697 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000247 r=Rlin
    xFET6 Pin _net1640 _net1447 _net1673 _net1643 FET_TG w=(1000)*1e-6
    xFET10 Pin _net1689 _net1694 _net1698 Pout FET_TG w=(1000)*1e-6 l=0.4u
    R33 _net1707 _net1677 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    C9 _net1644 _net1643 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    R35 _net1677 V_shunt $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rbias
    C12 _net1716 _net1715 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    R42 _net1674 V_shunt $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rbias
    xFET11 _net1643 _net1644 _net1527 _net1670 _net1721 FET_TG
    w=(1000)*1e-6 l=0.4u
    xFET12 _net1716 _net1715 _net1710 _net1714 _net1725 FET_TG
    w=(1500)*1e-6 l=0.4u
    R58 _net1716 _net1725 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rlin
    R37 _net1698 _net1697 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000247 r=Rlin
    R55 _net1643 _net1721 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rlin
    R27 _net1673 _net1671 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R29 _net1640 _net1671 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    C7 Pout _net1706 $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    R28 _net1447 _net1671 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R43 _net1710 _net1674 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R40 _net1644 _net1668 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    xFET7 Pout _net1706 _net1707 _net1705 _net1716 FET_TG w=(1500)*1e-6
    C3 _net1640 Pin $[CAP_MIM] Cff*1e-12
    R44 _net1714 _net1674 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=75.300u r=Rgate
    R59 Pout _net1716 $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rlin
    R8 _net1697 V_series $[res_bulk] w=3.200u l=0.000198 r=Rbias
    ..ENDS __RX0000_1

    ..SUBCKT RX0000_1 Pin Pout V_series V_shunt sh_gnd1 sh_gnd2
    X1 sh_gnd2 V_series V_shunt sh_gnd1 Pin Pout __RX0000_1 Rlin=20000
    + Cff=1.2 Rbias=15000
    ..ENDS RX0000_1
    PolyPusher, Apr 22, 2010
  4. PolyPusher wrote, on 04/22/10 21:30:

    That looks like CDL (a format originally used by Dracula, which is heavily based
    on SPICE).

    There's File->Import->CDL you could use (or in IC61X, File->Import->SPICE). The
    IC61 version is generally better - the parser's better, and also it can produce
    better schematics. However, with a bit of work you can get the IC5141 import to
    do useful things nevertheless. I think it's covered in the Design Data
    Translator's manual (<instDir>/doc/transref/transref.pdf)


    Andrew Beckett, Apr 23, 2010
  5. PolyPusher

    PolyPusher Guest


    I think I can get it to work, I have some homework to do.

    Thanks again Andrew,
    PolyPusher, Apr 23, 2010
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