Can anyone tell me why I can't use this in Ortho mode?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Albert Giuliano, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. Can anyone tell me why I can't use this in Ortho mode?

    Original written by Kenny Poong
    ;; Creates a suite of numbers & insert into point by user defined

    (defun C:TextNumber ( / oldecho tmp numHt numValStr)
    (setq oldecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (if (not numVal) (setq numVal 1))
    (if (not numInc) (setq numInc 1))
    (setq tmp (getint (strcat "\nStarting number <" (itoa numVal) ">: ")))
    (if tmp (setq numVal tmp))
    (setq numValStr (itoa numVal))
    (setq tmp (getint (strcat "\nIncrement by <" (itoa numInc) ">: ")))
    (if tmp (setq numInc tmp))
    (if (= 0.0 (cdr (assoc 40 (tblsearch "style" (getvar "textstyle")))))
    (initget (+ 1 2))
    (setq numHt (getdist "\nText height: "))
    );end if
    (while (setq pikPnt (getpoint (strcat "\nInsertion point for "
    ": ")))
    (command "._text" "_mc" pikPnt)
    (if numHt (command numHt))
    (command "" numValStr)
    numVal (+ numVal numInc)
    numValStr (itoa numVal)
    );end while
    (setvar "cmdecho" oldecho)
    );end C:TextNumber
    Albert Giuliano, Aug 5, 2003
  2. Albert Giuliano

    Devin Guest

    I loaded it up and set ortho on and it worked for me.

    Don't know why it won't work on your system. Maybe another reason? What's
    it doing?

    Devin, Aug 5, 2003
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