Calculate MText line spacing factor

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Thomas Cebulla, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. Hi,
    I hope someone can help me with the following problem:

    Working at a CAD-application implementing several AC-features I got big
    problems with the correct allignment of MText. the problem occures if the
    line space style is "at least" and when i have to calculate the correct
    linespaces between the lines 'manually'.
    So does anyone know a correct formula to get the linespacing if text size
    changes between two or in one line according to the initial textsize the
    maximum line sizes and the size of the last item in a line?
    I assume also that the linespacing of the line before must take part in
    such a formula.
    AC-reference say it would be 1.66 * linespacefactor * (size of the
    characters) but this only fits if the textsize is never changing.
    I would be very thankfull for any hints or solutions.

    Thanks in advance

    Thomas Cebulla
    Thomas Cebulla, Nov 5, 2003
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