CAD in creative design, problem solving

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Existential Angst, May 17, 2010.

  1. Existential Angst

    Joe788 Guest

    Typical Banquer Babble from an imbecile who's entire "design"
    experience consists of watching Youtube videos and canned demos.
    Joe788, May 20, 2010
  2. Existential Angst

    Joe788 Guest

    The bullshit goes on and on from worthless motherfuckers who can't
    back up what they have to say with FACTS.

    It is a FACT that with history based solid modeling you better be damn
    sure you have a good idea of what you want before you start modeling
    because it's next to impossible to radically change your mind without
    having to start all over from scratch.

    This limitation doesn't exist with direct modeling.

    History based modeling is an approx 25 year old dated concept
    popularized by PTC (Pro/E).

    It's time to move on to better CAD tools than history based solid
    modelers. Smarter CADCAM users are starting to do just that.
    Joe788, May 20, 2010
  3. Existential Angst

    cncmillgil Guest

    If you dont know what your designing, doodle using an etchasketch - no
    history & turn it over & start again.
    limitation? its an asset most of the time, unless your a scatter brain
    & forget MAJOR design features. Its like rolling your life back in
    time - do over's are allowed. -WTF is so bad about that? hitting the
    rewind button & pausing - doing more work till you get it right & your
    model doeskin blow up mainly because of poor modeling habits of the
    user. Guess you never played chess? being able to think a few steps
    ahead eh?
    Still good today last I checked. Just like UG & Cimatron.
    And just where EXACLTY would that move be too?
    Better yet, just go NOW! & stop wasting everyone's time here.
    We are all tired of it JON! just go away - erase your "history" have
    fun in CAD/CAM wonderland. Come back when you learn how to interact
    with people of different ideas, be a civil human being and actually
    add useful information to help others in this group.

    All in favor say I..........................

    motion carried

    Get TF on little dogie.

    Lord knows "We" all tried

    cncmillgil, May 20, 2010
  4. Existential Angst

    Joe788 Guest

    The bullshit goes on and on from worthless motherfuckers who can't
    back up what they have to say with FACTS.

    It is a FACT that with history based solid modeling you better be damn
    sure you have a good idea of what you want before you start modeling
    because it's next to impossible to radically change your mind without
    having to start all over from scratch.

    This limitation doesn't exist with direct modeling.

    History based modeling is an approx 25 year old dated concept
    popularized by PTC (Pro/E).

    It's time to move on to better CAD tools than history based solid
    modelers. Smarter CADCAM users are starting to do just that.
    Joe788, May 20, 2010
  5. Existential Angst

    noneya Guest

    Jon, your logic seems a bit odd and your statement reads as if it came
    from someone who has never actually designed anything. How can you
    model something if you don't first have a good idea or understanding
    of what it is you're trying to create?
    noneya, May 20, 2010
  6. Existential Angst

    Joe788 Guest

    The bullshit goes on and on from worthless motherfuckers who can't
    back up what they have to say with FACTS.

    It is a FACT that with history based solid modeling you better be damn
    sure you have a good idea of what you want before you start modeling
    because it's next to impossible to radically change your mind without
    having to start all over from scratch.

    This limitation doesn't exist with direct modeling.

    History based modeling is an approx 25 year old dated concept
    popularized by PTC (Pro/E).

    It's time to move on to better CAD tools than history based solid
    modelers. Smarter CADCAM users are starting to do just that.
    Joe788, May 21, 2010
  7. Existential Angst

    noneya Guest

    Jon, how can you model something if you don't first have a good idea
    or understanding
    of what it is you're trying to create?
    noneya, May 21, 2010
  8. Existential Angst

    Joe788 Guest

    Don't ask Jon the, "tough questions", it interferes with his buzzwords!
    Joe788, May 21, 2010
  9. Existential Angst

    Joe788 Guest

    The bullshit goes on and on from worthless motherfuckers who can't
    back up what they have to say with FACTS.

    It is a FACT that with history based solid modeling you better be damn
    sure you have a good idea of what you want before you start modeling
    because it's next to impossible to radically change your mind without
    having to start all over from scratch.

    This limitation doesn't exist with direct modeling.

    History based modeling is an approx 25 year old dated concept
    popularized by PTC (Pro/E).

    It's time to move on to better CAD tools than history based solid
    modelers. Smarter CADCAM users are starting to do just that.
    Joe788, May 21, 2010
  10. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    I'd wager they can all drill holes <smirk>.

    2 1/2 axes yonnie (bunko) bonkers failed at even that.
    Must be the chicken suit's fault, right?
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  11. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    What ever became of that rusting crapped-out junk?
    Did he put wheels on it? A big chicken suit?
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  12. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    Yes, he is.
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  13. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    Nobody knows how he passed it .. he did not get
    much farther in any case.
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  14. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    You get eggs when you wanted bricks?

    Fine chicken suit. Deluxe model?
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  15. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    Prior to PTC about all systems WERE direct explicit modelers.

    BTW, the P is for "Parametric".

    End of hstory lesson. And vocabulary lesson.
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  16. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    PTC's sales point was that it took little skill or training for
    soomeone to do certain types of work.
    While this did somewhat limit the types of work that could be
    done well for many it was okay.

    You now demand something for clueless morons like yourself.
    Do they all have chicken suits?
    Cliff, May 24, 2010
  17. Existential Angst

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jul 4, 2010
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