axiom's ability to re-order reference slot # (V8)

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by redbyrd, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. redbyrd

    redbyrd Guest

    Axiom for J - had a reference utility task that would allow the user
    to change the slot order of references. Even though it was somewhat
    cumbersome it worked.

    Can someone give me a quick explaination on how to complete this same
    task using Axiom in V8? Is it possible?

    redbyrd, Jan 30, 2008
  2. redbyrd

    redbyrd Guest

    If a client has stated they want the references in a particular order
    (after the fact) How can a user reorder the reference slots in
    mulitple file (100+). Axiom for J had this ability. Where is it
    hidden in Axiom V8?

    redbyrd, Feb 7, 2008
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