Autocad vs. autosketch

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by mkody2001, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. mkody2001

    mkody2001 Guest

    We currently have floor plans developed in AutoCad and wish to create evacuation diagrams which include arrows and symbols and may include other languages in the translations.
    I'm trying to ascertain if AutoSketch is the right tool for our use.

    mkody2001, Feb 1, 2005
  2. mkody2001

    Len Rafuse Guest

    How detailed do the plans need to be? Do you just need outlines of
    walls or every detail? AutoSketch will mangle some DWG details when
    brought in but will usually retain walls, doors, etc.

    Do you have people trained in AutoCAD? If so, select AutoCAD LT.
    People not trained in AutoCAD do fine with AutoSketch. AutoCAD people
    will complain daily if you buy AutoSketch.

    AutoSketch is not very expensive so you could try it. If it does not
    work, you can get AutoCAD LT.
    Len Rafuse, Feb 1, 2005
  3. mkody2001

    Gadget Guest

    I would scan a copy of them (or export to a bitmap image), then import that as a background to something like Word and use the auto-shapes for arrows & suchlike.

    (Actually I would place it into CorelDraw on a non-printing layer, then draw boxes over it for the room shapes using welds and trims to give a more simplistic drawing - arrows and rotated text are childs play to add in this as well... and you get very easy gradiated fills that would make it look cool. But if you don't have CorelDraw, MSWord will do it with a lot more work.)
    Gadget, Feb 2, 2005
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