AutoCAD® 2005, AutoCAD 2006 and AutoCAD 2007 products freezing on launch

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TGO, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. TGO

    TGO Guest

    We encountered several cases where AutoCAD freezes or opens multiple times
    (one time for every drawing).

    The solution of AutoDESK is the change a setting in Internet Explorer which
    lowers! the security level in Internet Explorer. By switching the option
    "Publisher's Certificate Revocation option" off, visiting SSL websites with
    redrawn certificates will no longer warn you.

    That raises the risk on surfing the internet while phising sites are more
    and more common place using false, older or stolen certificates.

    Personaly i consider this as a serious problem.

    Please AutoDESK correct this problem asap as your solution can only be noted
    as temporaly.



    Published date: 2006-03-29
    ID: TS84445

    Applies to:
    AutoCAD 2007
    AutoCAD 2006
    AutoCAD 2005
    AutoCAD LT 2007
    AutoCAD LT 2006
    AutoCAD LT 2005


    In some cases, AutoCAD 2005, AutoCAD 2006 and AutoCAD 2007 or verticals on
    isolated networks freeze when they are launched. This issue usually occurs
    after the AutoCAD screen has been painted, but before any tool palettes are


    To correct this issue, you will need to edit your Internet Options.

    Note: Carrying out the procedure below on a computer that is not isolated
    from the Internet could pose a security risk.

    Follow these steps:

    1.. On the Start menu, click Settings > Control Panel.
    2.. In Control Panel, double-click Internet Options.
    3.. In the Internet Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
    4.. On the Advanced tab, under Settings, locate the Security section.
    5.. Under Security, clear the Publisher's Certificate Revocation option.
    6.. Click Apply, and then click OK
    7.. Reboot your computer, and then run the application.
    TGO, Apr 28, 2006
  2. TGO

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Not a problem if you don't use IE...
    R.K. McSwain, Apr 30, 2006
  3. TGO

    Carl00711 Guest

    If AutoCad is opening one copy for each drawing, change your SDI
    setting (Single Document Interface) to "0". That should solve the
    multiple instances, the freezing is another matter entirely.
    Carl00711, May 5, 2006
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