Attention Autodesk

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Doug, Aug 28, 2004.

  1. Doug

    Doug Guest

    In the next version, how about adding an option for the plot window that
    allows you to create a window on an angle. It could work something like the
    window used for mtext when you type "R" for rotation.

    For example, I draw an object that is 100'x500' at a 45 degree angle. I want
    to plot this at the largest viewable scale as possible. If I could window
    over the object at the same 45 deg angle, it would be much bigger than at 0

    Doug, Aug 28, 2004
  2. Doug

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Why not just set up a layout with whatever rotation and zoom factor works
    Paul Turvill, Aug 28, 2004
  3. Doug

    Doug Guest

    I do that, but I don't want to create a layout just to plot a draft of an
    object. Just look at how many steps it takes to do it that way versus just
    being able to hit "plot" then window over the object at the desired angle
    and then hit "ok". Then if you don't need that layout, you have to erase
    Doug, Aug 28, 2004
  4. Doug

    Paul Turvill Guest

    You didn't mention "draft" ... but it's still no big deal. Just do a DVIEW
    / TWist, plot and then restore the original view. Or temporarily rotate your
    UCS, PLAN, then plot and restore your view.

    Somehow I don't see Autodesk ever adding arbitrary plot-only rotation
    capability when they already have several methods of quickly rotating what's
    on the screen (but I've been wrong before).
    Paul Turvill, Aug 28, 2004
  5. Doug

    jonesr Guest

    Plot a saved view.

    jonesr, Aug 29, 2004
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