AS8 Repeatly Crashing

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by modelmaker, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. modelmaker

    modelmaker Guest


    I am having problem with constant crashing after a file gets about 1500k-2000k in size. I have a 450mhz Pent3, Win98se, 384 MB ram, 60 GB harddrive (which I loaded Windows fresh and only AS8), iNvidia 3dForce 2x AGP with 64MB video ram. I purposely minimized the number of drivers and software on the fresh install of the OS. Does anyone have any suggestions or the ability to test a file for me to see if its really my machine.


    modelmaker, Jun 25, 2003
  2. modelmaker

    Steve Guest

    Does it crash at a certain point, ie. when printing, saving etc?  If you would like to e-mail me a file I will duplicate what you are doing, but your file sizes are not large.  I doubt it is anything in the file itself.  I have had quite a bit of trouble opening DWG files sent to me from other Autodesk apps, contrary to the advertisements.  A matter of fact, I downloaded Volo View Express from Autodesk so I could print and redraw some dwgs.  I have also had problems with the well publicized conflicts between Autodesk apps and Norton Antivirus software.  The service patch seemed to fix that however.




    "modelmaker" <> wrote in message Hi,
    I am having problem with constant crashing after a file gets about 1500k-2000k in size. I have a 450mhz Pent3, Win98se, 384 MB ram, 60 GB harddrive (which I loaded Windows fresh and only AS8), iNvidia 3dForce 2x AGP with 64MB video ram. I purposely minimized the number of drivers and software on the fresh install of the OS. Does anyone have any suggestions or the ability to test a file for me to see if its really my machine.
    Steve, Jul 3, 2003
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