AS8 - mirrored entities "disappearing"

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by NickWhite, Jun 26, 2003.

  1. NickWhite

    NickWhite Guest

    I am frustrated by the regular "disappearance" of items that I have mirrored. I have just printed off a drawing in which a block of entities had been mirrored to show 2 rows in a layout - no problem, drawing saved and closed to work on another, but when I later re-open that drawing the mirrored items are no lomger there! Any ideas please?

    Thanks, Nick White
    NickWhite, Jun 26, 2003

    I am frustrated by the regular "disappearance" of items that I have mirrored. I have just printed off a drawing in which a block of entities had been mirrored to show 2 rows in a layout - no problem, drawing saved and closed to work on another, but when I later re-open that drawing the mirrored items are no lomger there! Any ideas please?


    I wonder if perhaps you are mirroring them to a hidden layer?
    AngryofMayfair, Jun 27, 2003
  3. NickWhite

    NickWhite Guest

    Thanks, but no that isn't the explanation.
    I have tried doing the mirror with the individual entities grouped or exploded and have even grouped the two images (i.e. original and mirrored) together afterwards and saved that but the mirrored items just do not appear when I re-open the drawing next time. The annoying thing is that they appear to be there in the file preview, but then when the drawing is opened they aren't there, half the layout is missing, and I have to do the mirror again before printing after working on other parts of the drawing.
    I don't recall this being a problem with the older version (2.1) that I used for many years, so is it a bug in AS8 and/or XP, or am I missing something in the drawing settings?
    Cheers, Nick
    NickWhite, Jun 27, 2003
  4. NickWhite

    Graham Howe Guest

    This problem happened repeatedly to me using version 7. I made a fuss
    at the time to Autodesk who seemed to be unable or wanting to
    acknowledge the problem. It is now cured by a suggestion from someone
    on this group that I should delete and reinstall. This did the trick.
    Why something gets corrupted I know not but it is one of the most
    frustrating problems as mirroring is essential to drawing.
    Graham Howe, Jun 27, 2003
  5. NickWhite

    TMitchell Guest

    On the edit bar a check box appears that you need to check to copy the entity, have you checked it? If you don't you will only get the entity mirrored but the old one disappears. The check box is a copy or move option... Hope this helps.....
    Regards, Tom Mitchell
    TMitchell, Jun 28, 2003
  6. NickWhite

    NickWhite Guest

    Thanks, but that is not the problem - the initial mirror creation is fine and is giving me the copy and leaving the original. The problem is that after saving and closing the drawing the mirrored objects have disappeared when I later re-open the drawing. Very annoying! I have checked all the obvious things like hidden layers, etc., but it's still happening, but not with every drawing, and I can't figure out any difference between those that do and those that don't. Any ideas?

    Nick White
    NickWhite, Jun 28, 2003
  7. This sounds like a major 'BUG' - I can't really help as I am still on V7 and only upgraded from 6.1 two months ago.

    I have found that now I am using WinXP I get some weird things happening with text on a drawing (Arial) - when I zoom in and out at certain points the text that was set to 90deg flips around to horizontal! Only at certain zoom settings.... Seems like a video driver issue but I am using the latest Asus driver (not certified though)

    I wonder if your mirrored entities are still there but not appearing in the right place as my text does - try zooming in & out around where the entity should be.

    Also perhaps it has set the colour to white on a white sheet? - Select 'all' and explode the lot and then click on the black colour for line and also for fill. This will show them up if they are still there.

    Another thing to try is to mirror a symbol with nothing else in the drawing. Close then open the drawing and do a symbol count to see if it is still on the drawing but hidden or placed where it shouldn't be.


    Just a few ideas - hope they help.


    "NickWhite" <> wrote in message news:...

    Thanks, but no that isn't the explanation.
    I have tried doing the mirror with the individual entities grouped or exploded and have even grouped the two images (i.e. original and mirrored) together afterwards and saved that but the mirrored items just do not appear when I re-open the drawing next time. The annoying thing is that they appear to be there in the file preview, but then when the drawing is opened they aren't there, half the layout is missing, and I have to do the mirror again before printing after working on other parts of the drawing.
    I don't recall this being a problem with the older version (2.1) that I used for many years, so is it a bug in AS8 and/or XP, or am I missing something in the drawing settings?
    Cheers, Nick
    AngryofMayfair, Jun 29, 2003
  8. NickWhite

    NickWhite Guest


    Mirrored entities do not include any hatch patterns but there are polygons and symbols involved. Some entities that have been rubber stamped have also recently disappeared when a drawing has been re-opened - I have tried the suggestions previously made by AngryofMayfair and they are not there, so something seems to be wrong. I am using XP. I have not tried re-installing AS8 yet. Could it be something to do with Layer 1 - I recently read in your "tips and tricks" that this should not be deleted or re-named, and in the drawings that have been giving the problem I had re-named it. I am currently working on some drawings in which I have left Layer 1 untouched and so far have not experienced any problems (that's tempting fate!).

    Thanks for your help, Nick
    NickWhite, Jul 1, 2003
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