AS10 Requirements

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by Len Rafuse, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Len Rafuse

    Len Rafuse Guest

    I have been user from the old days when the current AS was actually
    Drafix 4. I have been evaluating options for the future and from a cost
    and feature perspective, the AutoCAD knock offs (the ones beginning with
    I...) look very good.

    I am sure AutoDesk would like user to jump from AutoSketch to AutoCAD LT
    but the cost is too much.

    So what should AS 10 have? Many items have been kicked around before
    but there are few key ones.

    1) 100% DWG compatibility for 2D drawings. AutoDesk should be able to
    provide this.

    2) Deal with with paper space - model space. Users need to see the 2D
    drawings that AutoCAD has made from the model.

    3) Add Xref capability.

    4) Maybe add an alternate menu structure or special help for AutoCAD
    Users. They always complain bitterly in the forum that AutoSketch
    commands are different.

    5) Fix all the bugs!

    Some might say that doing this will just steal sales from AutoCAD LT.
    It may. But it would also steal sales from the AutoCAD knock offs that
    cost $50 to $150.

    With out some real upgrades next time, the AUtoCAD knockoffs will look
    even better.

    Len Rafuse
    Vision Engineering

    PS If I had to pick one from list above it would be DWG compatibility.
    How come a $50 knock off program does better with a DWG file than an
    official AutoDesk product? (fixing bugs shouldn't even need to be
    Len Rafuse, Mar 9, 2005
  2. Len Rafuse

    BJH Guest

    Hear, hear!

    I was considering the AS8 to AS9 'upgrade' the other day, for 5 minutes.

    GBP88.00 is not attractive to me and I certainly wouldn't buy outright at
    GBP150.00!! (Current Amazon UK Price)

    And, of course, don't forget the macros!
    BJH, Mar 9, 2005
  3. Len Rafuse

    Len Rafuse Guest

    I needed macros long ago for two major problems - Plotting and
    conversion to DWG.

    I solved the plotting problem by making a DWG and plotting from AutoCAD
    LT 98. Of course plotting from AS9 is actually good now so I do not
    need to make the DWG for plotting.

    However I still need to make DWG files to send to others. The macro I
    had used to exploded things and correct issues and then save as DWG.

    I still have issues with the AS DWG. But if the DWG becomes 100%
    compatible, I do not need macros.

    I suspect that they will not add macros since the level up product
    (AutoCAD LT) does not have macros.
    Len Rafuse, Mar 9, 2005
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