any good site for learning surface???

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by I love you, Aug 2, 2003.

  1. I love you

    I love you Guest

    I face many problem (mainly from surface making in Pro/E).

    Is there any good site for me??

    I love you, Aug 2, 2003
  2. I love you

    David Janes Guest

    You will probably have to buy some tutorials. Here are some sites with tutorials
    for sale:

    These are free:

    David Janes

    : I face many problem (mainly from surface making in Pro/E).
    : Is there any good site for me??
    : Thanks.
    David Janes, Aug 2, 2003
  3. The best tool that I have found is the pro Help CD. When you install Pro E
    this does not get installed. You have to install it separately and then
    link it to your Pro E. I don't know if you are familiar with the old books
    that PTC use to put out (Pro Model, Pro Drawing, Pro Surface etc etc.) they
    were great. All that information is now on this CD. I make sure that
    everyone that I work with has it on there computer. It will answer about
    90% of your questions or at least give you a starting point.

    Good Luck
    John Morrison, Aug 3, 2003
  4. It's located on the Documentation disk. Most people get rid of this disk.

    -Go through the install on the Documentation disk
    (remember where you install it)
    -After it is done run the proe setup file
    (c:\program Files\proe2001\bin\ptcsetup.bat)
    -Tab through it to the Optional Configuration Steps and check
    HTML Help Browser settings and HTML Browser location
    -Then Tab through until you get to Help Location
    Add the location that you just installed the Pro help to
    (c:\Program Files\ptchelp2001)
    -Next continue Tabbing through the install to HTML Browser Preferences
    add the location of your web browser
    (c:\Program Files\internet Explorer\IEXPLORER.EXE)
    if this is the browser you want to use

    and that is it

    When you hit help in pro E now, Internet explorer will open.
    Give it a minute. It will switch over to pro help. I highly recommend it.

    John Morrison, Aug 4, 2003
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