Angled planes and mating

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by GangGreene, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. GangGreene

    GangGreene Guest

    I need to have some planes set up like the following

    | / /
    | / /
    | / /
    | / /
    + plane 2 @ angle 85 + .250" distance
    | +---plane 1 @ angle 185
    + ----right plane

    This is for an aircraft I am modeling.

    Plane 1 and plane 2 will be a lofted bulkhead.

    This is so I can insert the bulkhead and mate on the right plane of a plane
    at the proper fuselage station.

    All the vertical bulkheads are mated on the top planes, front planes and a
    plane at the correct fuselage station. They mate fine.

    I am having trouble mating the bulkheads that are inclined from 180 deg or
    perpendicular to the top plane, since the right planes are not parallel and
    are inclined from one another.

    Thanks for any help
    GangGreene, Nov 28, 2009
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