Adding this part into this assembly would create conflict of references. Cannot add. ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joe Sloppy, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    WHY, ok, I get this error message when inserting a part into an

    "Adding this part into this assembly would create conflict of
    references. Cannot add."

    SO I break all the exterenal refs. in the part, try to insert into an
    assembly but get the same error.

    I usually have good troubleshooting skill, but this one has left me
    clueless. HELP, anyone? SW2007

    Some notes, the asembly is a save as copy assembly that was top down
    designed, lots of references to the assembly, the file names are all
    the same as before but just a different location and are being re-
    assemblied into another same name assembly. The now broken refs in the
    parts refer to the same name assembly but can't be inserted into it,
    the error above results.
    Joe Sloppy, Oct 29, 2007
  2. Joe Sloppy

    j Guest

    There is still something that has external references to it, most likely
    a sketch plane or extrude/cut to surface or face. Perhaps the best thing
    would be to use SWExplorer and rename the parts/assembly to something
    different and then you can bring this renamed assy into the new
    assembly. Or something we do on occasion is to parasolid out the
    assembly, then create a new assembly from this assembly if it just for
    reference positioning.
    j, Oct 29, 2007
  3. Joe Sloppy

    ChamberPot Guest


    Get Banquer to tgell you whats wrong. Of course its the multiple
    contexts switch.

    Good move, yuou broke all the references. Banquer really is advising you
    , I see.

    The error you quote means that the part already has a reference to an
    assembly of the same name as the one you're putting it into. The way to
    fix it is not to break reference, but to really remove the reference. So
    whatever way the reference was created, like an incontext sketch or
    something, you need to delete the reference itself. Breaking references
    is like puttong fresh dog shit on a wound. You can't see the wound
    anymore, and it looks better, but in time it will become infected and

    Another way to fix it is to change the name of the assembly, but that
    just adds chocolate springkles to the fresh dog shit in the wound.

    Sometimes this can be caused if you try to put a part with incontext
    references into an assembly that is not yet saved, because the assembly
    has the temp name of Assem1.

    Or you might try using the multiple context switch. Ask bongquerr where
    to find it. That't llike putting chocolate syrup on the springkles on
    the fresh dog shit.

    ChamberPot, Oct 29, 2007
  4. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    FIXED, Breaking the references did nothing as said, what fixed it was
    when I changed the feature that had the references (extrude to surface
    (x)) to (blind), (deleting would have removed it too), so no
    references now, and then I can insert the part now and re- references
    it in the same name assembly. Thanks for the tip. I did try help first
    but no luck in finding that error messages. Did I miss that too?
    Joe Sloppy, Oct 29, 2007
  5. Joe Sloppy

    ChamberPot Guest

    Probaly not. SW doesn't believe their software gives errors, so they
    never list them in the help. Not that the help really helps much.

    ChamberPot, Oct 29, 2007
  6. Joe Sloppy

    Cliff Guest

    LOL ....
    Circular, eh?
    Cliff, Oct 30, 2007
  7. Joe Sloppy

    Cliff Guest

    ComputerVision used to have one message that told you to
    report at once to some guy in England.
    I'm still awaiting their plane tickets.

    Anybody else have any faves from ANY system (except banquercadcam
    which seems to be nothing BUT error messages)?
    Cliff, Oct 30, 2007
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