Acad 2004s' FLEXlm controling acad 2004 --- AND --- acad 2002 license's

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dorian1, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Dorian1

    Dorian1 Guest

    Can Acad 2004s' version of FLEXlm control both acad 2004 AND acad 2002 license's over a redundant server model.
    If this model works can you then have license borrowing for both acad 2004 -- AND -- 2002???
    Dorian1, Aug 13, 2003
  2. Dorian1

    Cy Shuster Guest

    Borrowing is only available in AutoCAD 2004. It required changes in the
    product, as well as the new FLEXlm version.



    Can Acad 2004s' version of FLEXlm control both acad 2004 AND acad 2002
    license's over a redundant server model.
    If this model works can you then have license borrowing for both acad
    2004 -- AND -- 2002???
    Cy Shuster, Aug 13, 2003
  3. Dorian1

    jerry milana Guest

    If you want to service 2002 and 2004 clients then you must use the newer
    FLEXlm that comes with 2004 but Cy is correct that you will not be able to
    service the borrow feature for 2002 clients.
    jerry milana, Aug 14, 2003
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