Drawing & Model Revisions, do they match?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kenneth b, Sep 15, 2003.

  1. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    Just curious,
    How does you or your company handle drawing & model revisions?

    A) drawing and model always identical
    B) drawing can change without changing model (missing dims, change notes,
    kenneth b, Sep 15, 2003
  2. kenneth b

    Michael Guest

    For us, drawing and model are always identical.

    For "real" changes (e.g--change a dim) we use whole number revisions (e.g.--
    For "cosmetic" changes (e.g.-add a missing dim to a print) we use decimal
    revs (e.g.--R2>>R2.1)

    For a while, we tried using mixed Revs (e.g--dwg @ 2.1, part at 2) but found
    that it generated enough issues that we abandoned it. The minor extra
    paperwork to change them both is easily worth the aggravation and confusion
    it's saved us.
    Michael, Sep 15, 2003
  3. Drawings have revisions, models do not. All drawings have a TIFF and IGES
    created at release with associated revision in the file name.
    Scott Proctor, Sep 15, 2003
  4. Models and drawings always match and are at current rev. Old revs are saved
    only as PDFs.
    Mickey Reilley, Sep 15, 2003
  5. kenneth b

    Olivier Guest

    In our case, the revision of the sheet is the same as the part, because when
    you change the part, the sheet must be change and also the sheet indicates
    the revision of the part. So for all of these, we decided that sheet and
    part carry the same revision.
    Olivier, Sep 15, 2003
  6. kenneth b

    matt Guest

    I've seen people do it both ways, and there are good reasons for doing it
    either way. When I implemented a PDM system, I opted for separate revs for
    model and drawing. The model will change many times before a drawing is
    made, and changes to the drawing may be independent of the model. We
    really didn't use the model for anything other than making the drawing and
    doing some FEA. We tracked the model rev, but didn't link it to the

    People who do rapid prototypes or CNC from the model may feel the need for
    the drawing and the part to always have the same rev. The only real
    problem with this is that most PDM systems see the model and the drawing as
    being two separate (but related) documents, and each document has its own
    rev level.

    One way around that might be to list the model rev in the drawing title
    block so from the drawing you will know that Rev B of the drawing relates
    to Rev E of the model. You might even give the model a different sort of
    rev designation, like numeric, to make sure that the drawing and model are
    not confused.

    Remember also that some PDM systems (like PDMWorks) give you the ability to
    pull up referenced documents using the "as built" or "latest" revision of
    the model.

    matt, Sep 16, 2003
  7. kenneth b

    Ray Reynolds Guest

    We used to use Revision for the Part, and Version for the Drawing, both were
    indicated on the drawing and both were populated by custom properties in the
    model. This ensured when either one changed, you had to go back to the
    model to make the change. This made the model the master from an
    engineering point of view, even though the drawing was the master from a
    manufacturing point of view.

    We soon dropped this, as is proved too confusing for certain members of the
    manufacturing team. Now the drawing is free to rev as often as it needs to
    be, and it does not have to match the model rev.
    Ray Reynolds, Sep 16, 2003
  8. kenneth b

    alphadraw Guest


    As virtually all our parts are produced by computer controlled machines
    reading the files directly in our case the model is always the master with
    the drawing produced as a Check or Reference. The drawing issue number will
    change whenever there is a change on the drawing, be it a 'real' change or
    'cosmetic' change. The model gets a part number and issue number which is
    also 'engraved' on the part to identify it. In the drawing block the model
    part and issue number is shown automatically by the drawing template and
    updates whenever the model 'Save As' is changed so when viewing the drawing
    there is no doupt about the model part number and issue it relates to..

    Hope this helps ...... Sonny
    alphadraw, Sep 16, 2003
  9. kenneth b

    kenneth b Guest

    Thanks to all.
    Your opinions are invaluable.
    kenneth b, Sep 16, 2003
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