create path in 45 degree -- off-grid in the corner points?? VLE

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Manju Arasaiah, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. When we draw a metal-path with 45 degree angle in VLE, only the
    centerline corner points are on-grid. The other 2 points (corners)
    where the bend occurs are off-grid. Is it not a problem because unless
    all the points (corners) are on-grid, the geometry can not be

    Thanks, Manju
    Manju Arasaiah, Apr 7, 2004
  2. Well, if that were the case, any design with 45 degree paths would not be
    manufacturable - which clearly isn't the case. Obviously the edge vertices have
    to be off grid, because that's the way the unverse was made (complain to Euclid
    or God if you're not happy).

    Normally it doesn't really cause a problem - although generally there will be some rounding
    errors in certain tools. The mask making equipment generally has finer resolution than
    the actual grid, and anyway any error with the actual points will be miniscule compared
    with the fuziness of the actual silicon...

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 7, 2004
  3. Manju Arasaiah

    Partha Guest

    The 45-deg sections of a path have to have a different width compared
    to the manhattan sections to stay on grid and Opus paths don't have
    that capability. Off-grids are still possible at intersecting 45's,
    and if the ends of the path are 45's.

    We overcome this problem by having a custom bus pcell creator, that
    handles 45 degree paths by replacing the 45 degree paths to
    polygons(snapping to the grid as required).
    Also, cadence supplies a skill code that converts these off grid
    diagonal paths to ongrid by growing the path widths till they become

    The calculation of rounding of a path by cadence is done on the basis
    of DBUPerUU( 2*(1/DBUPerUU)) and not by manufacturinggrid.

    I did file a enhancement PCR 281306, quite a while back indicating
    this "issue"

    Partha, Apr 8, 2004
  4. Manju Arasaiah

    Paul Muller Guest


    I disagree with Andrew. Although the manufacturing should probably be
    possible, most design centers don't accept off-grid errors in the GDSII
    file, i.e. you have to get rid of them in your design.

    The most elegant way is to write a PCell as done in Partha's company. In
    my place we were not aware of the Cadence SKILL code to convert this to
    polygons, so one of my colleagues wrote a similar script. Can I find the
    Cadence code on Sourcelink, just to compare?

    Paul Muller, Apr 8, 2004
  5. Manju Arasaiah

    Partha Guest

    Yes you can, I filed a SR to request that( It is not available
    directly from Sourcelink though, not yet)

    Partha, Apr 8, 2004
  6. Partha,

    Can you get me the SKILL code which on-grids the points?

    Thanks, Manju
    Manju Arasaiah, Apr 8, 2004
  7. Manju Arasaiah

    Partha Guest

    I will not be able to send the code since it was not developed by me.
    Am sorry. But you could ask cadence for the source code that converts
    the offgrid paths to on grid by sizing them

    Partha, Apr 9, 2004
  8. Manju Arasaiah

    gennari Guest

    I have some C code that converts a path into a polygon. It might help. This
    code can mostly be converted to SKILL line-by-line. It seems to work for my
    application, but let me know if you spot an error or if you know of a
    cleaner way to do this.


    void path_to_polygon(path &path0, polygon &poly) {

    unsigned i, pa, pb, npts;
    double width, width2, b_ext = 0.0, e_ext = 0.0, vx, vy, ux, uy, vmag, umag,
    denom, x1, x2, y1, y2, l1, l2;
    point *points, *points2;

    npts = 2*path0.npts;
    poly.layer = path0.layer;
    poly.npts = npts;
    width = path0.width;
    width2 = 0.5*width;
    pa = 0;
    pb = npts - 1;
    points2 = path0.points;
    points = new point[npts];

    if (path0.type == PATH_TYPE2) { // begin and end extension by half width
    b_ext = 0.5*width;
    e_ext = 0.5*width;
    for (i = 0; i < path0.npts; ++i) {
    if (i == 0) {
    vx = points2[i+1].x - points2.x;
    vy = points2[i+1].y - points2.y;
    else {
    vx = points2.x - points2[i-1].x;
    vy = points2.y - points2[i-1].y;
    vmag = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy);
    vx /= vmag;
    vy /= vmag;

    if (i == 0) { // start
    points[pa].x = points2.x - b_ext*vx + width2*vy;
    points[pa].y = points2.y - b_ext*vy - width2*vx;
    points[pb].x = points2.x - b_ext*vx - width2*vy;
    points[pb].y = points2.y - b_ext*vy + width2*vx;
    else if (i == (unsigned)(path0.npts-1)) { // end
    points[pa].x = points2.x + e_ext*vx + width2*vy;
    points[pa].y = points2.y + e_ext*vy - width2*vx;
    points[pb].x = points2.x + e_ext*vx - width2*vy;
    points[pb].y = points2.y + e_ext*vy + width2*vx;
    else { // line-line intersection
    ux = points2[i+1].x - points2.x;
    uy = points2[i+1].y - points2.y;
    umag = sqrt(ux*ux + uy*uy);
    ux /= umag;
    uy /= umag;
    denom = ux*vy - vx*uy;

    if (denom == 0.0) { // should be an invalid path
    printf("Warning: Path has three colinear points.\n");
    points[pa] = points[pa-1]; // duplicate last point
    points[pb] = points[pb+1];
    else {
    x1 = points2.x + width2*vy;
    x2 = points2.x + width2*uy;
    y1 = points2.y - width2*vx;
    y2 = points2.y - width2*ux;
    l1 = x1*(y1 + vy) - (x1 + vx)*y1;
    l2 = x2*(y2 + uy) - (x2 + ux)*y2;
    points[pa].x = (ux*l1 - vx*l2)/denom;
    points[pa].y = (uy*l1 - vy*l2)/denom;

    x1 = points2.x - width2*vy;
    x2 = points2.x - width2*uy;
    y1 = points2[i].y + width2*vx;
    y2 = points2[i].y + width2*ux;
    l1 = x1*(y1 + vy) - (x1 + vx)*y1;
    l2 = x2*(y2 + uy) - (x2 + ux)*y2;
    points[pb].x = (ux*l1 - vx*l2)/denom;
    points[pb].y = (uy*l1 - vy*l2)/denom;
    poly.points = points;
    gennari, Apr 10, 2004
  9. Well, it depends. Usually there's a requirement to either have the centre line or
    the edges on grid, but not both - but as with all things, your mileage may vary...

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 10, 2004
  10. Manju Arasaiah

    Spaller Guest

    It will be your fracturing software, and not VLE, that decides how your
    paths are converted to trapezoids for imaging on the reticle. So how you
    see those paths displayed in VLE will have no bearing on what you see on the

    If you convert, through any software, your 45 degree paths to on-grid
    polygons, then you have to worry about the square root of 2. Basically, you
    will have two choices: the 45 degree portions will either be thicker or
    thinner than what the originally specified width was.

    This may be of some concern to you if you have bent gates, and your circuit
    simulations are relying on the original path width. So if you end up with
    thinner or thicker gates, the speed of your circuit will vary. Normally,
    this may only be of some concern when you have a low density of
    manufacturing grid points relative to the width of your path. You may have
    similar concerns with metal, though not of the same order as the basic speed
    of your gates.

    Spaller, Apr 28, 2004
  11. being a longtime Cadence Skill programmer/CAD Engineer I have run across
    this problem more then I like... the best solution is a piece of software
    that has a GREAT tool for generating the paths ONGRID.... it does this by
    way of letting you draw the path like you would normally, then it converts
    it to a polygon and fixes the offgrid 45s, it can do this by way of the
    knowledge that you were intending to have the object as a path...
    It also allows you to re-enter the flattened path as if it were a normal
    path.... VERY NICE.... the name of the software was the STX Toolbox when I
    last used it, you can get the software from Dave Truty at tell him danielof said to call and he will set you up
    with a demo...! good luck!

    Daniel O'Flaherty, May 3, 2004
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